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_____Sunday Feb 15______ 
Go ashore & to church in A.M. P.M. go round on the beach & find two Cala Gray skulls which seem to be pretty good. Catch a lot of crabs in evening - Day windy NW - but clear

_____Monday Feb 16_______
Morning go out dredging - Noyes & Bake go out to the lighthouse - P.M. I go down & get whale skulls, buy some shells & shell jewelry. Bendel & Capt. Herendeen go shooting & get one quail - Evening work over dredgings - 

________Tuesday Feb 17______
Morning wind light. About noon light SW breeze, sail for San Francisco. Outside the breeze freshens & we make Pigeon Point by dark. A squall comes out of the NW and we have to take in all sail - Capt Herendeen falls & sprains his ankle badly - Gale from the NW -

_______Wednesday Feb 18______
All day batting against the NW gale & sea & losing ground.

________Thursday Feb 19________
Wind lighter in A.M. beating up the coast. Measure porpoise in P.M. & clean his skeleton partly By night up with Point Pedro.

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