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see Mr R.Baker and order lumber go to bank- Back to office + write letters- P.M. down town call at Rahsskopps-Carmanys Dr Ellinwoods- Habbells  + order kegs- and finally back to office-P.M. call on Miss Noyes who goes to Los Angeles tomorrow. Order lumber
--Saturday Feb 28---
Baker goes to Sta. Barbara- up to  office and send tracing of charts. Write on Petermanns article- Go down and leave charts at Shirpser's -call at Moore's + buy some books Dine + call on Smith and Stearns in P.M.
--Sunday March 1--
Morning breakfast , office + church-After church go up to Mr. Hagues back to office. Clear up-write letters. P.M. Dine at Ashburners with Mr + Mrs Hague
--Monday Mar 2--
P.Office no letters. Breakfast, round to Steeles, out, up to room. Opera House + office. Herendeen in + bay cleaning up. Down town see Steele, Frask, Whitney, Carmany, Bacon's foreman Stearns, Go to bank, pay Moore. P.M. Opera House with Mrs. Elmer- as Bendel is unwell
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