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Tuesday Mar. 3/74
Morning rainy. Down town. See Carmany & printer. Breakfast, see Frost and up to office. Down town, call at Boone's. Pay [[Ackerson's?]] bill of lumber, round to vessel & look over boxes up to office & write on catalogue 
Dine. P.M. call on Smith & Stearns

Wednesday Mar 4
Order coal. Breakfast with Stearns 
Meet Whymper & see Capt. Noyes
Up to office. Herendeen & Bailey come in. About 2 P.M. Go down to R.R. office and see Montague about reducing freight for the S.I. [[on?]] Whale. Back to office & work on packing. Dine & in P.M. call on Chas & Low.

Thursday 5
Call at Bacon's, then at Tennent's
Breakfast, Get Baker's package and up to office. Rainy & nasty. Packing specimens. Go down to the vessel & pack keg. See to boxes and come ashore up to office & continue packing. Dinner & in evening call on Mrs. Otis.

Friday Mar 6
Morning, no letters. Up to office. Pay Hubbell's bill. Spend day a