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look over papers. See Jennings and printer. Work over catalogue of fossils. After dinner call on Mrs. [[Ashburner?]]. Write to Austin

Friday Mar. 13
Morning P.O. & printer. Up to office read proofs & finish paper on fossils. Down town to printers, see Jennings and Whitney, look in to see Capt Noyes who is out. Work over vouchers, P.M. call on Stebbins.

Saturday Mar 14
Morning raining hard. Up to office write letters. Get ready to go to Stockton, to see H.S. Austin. Get lunch & leave on the 4 P.M. boat Get to Stockton about 8.30 and ride over with Henry Austin.

Sunday Mar. 15
Go to church and afterwards walk about the town with [[Mr.?]] Austin. Evening cloudy & cold.

Monday Mar 16
Morning. Go over to the Insane Asylum, with H. Austin & Clayton and go over the female ward and new wing with Dr. [[Shustleff?]]. Evening call on Mrs. Marshall Hall.

Tuesday Mar 17
Start for San Francisco on the 8 A.M. train and get in about 
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