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____Saturday Mar 21. 1874_____
Morning call at Hodges & up to the office. Work over article for Avery. P.M. Go down town and see Watkins. Avery out, and call at Shreves. After dinner go to the School for Scandal with Miss Noyes

_____Sunday Mar 22_________
Morning warm & pleasant. Breakfast and up to room & office. 
Church. back to office & write. Work over porpoise drawing. P.M. dine at Capt. Noyes.

_____Monday Mar 23_________
Post office, breakfast, up to office, Herendeen comes in. Go to Cal. Theater & get tickets. Leave can at Snook's, go to Carmany's and Hodge's, Shreve's and Academy. P.M. work over vouchers. Dinner and in evening call on Stearns. {[[insertion]] work over [[?]] [[/insertion]]

_____Tuesday Mar. 24_______
Morning P.O. breakfast, pay Hodges bill. Call at [[insertion]] Bacons [[/insertion]] bank & room up to office, pay George off. Work over proofs. Go down town call at Carmany's, leave proof with printer call at Shreve's. Back to office Davidson returned from Sta. Barbara 
Evening Go to see Nahl's picutre and call at Hotel for Boardman and on Mrs. Bugbee.