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_______Wednesday Mar. 25.________
Down to P.O. printer's, Tennents and breakfast. Up to office. Herendeen and G.H. Boardman come in. Work over payrolls &c. Rains in P.M. Evening go to hear Miss Neilson in the Hunchback, with Mary Stearns

________Thursday Mar. 26__________
Morning showery. P.O. breakfast, room and office. Work over list of stores &c. Go down to Fordham's and get pin, call at Watkins' and back to office. Evening, call on Capt. Bryant at the Grand Hotel and see Wm. I. McIntyre and Boardman at the same time.

__________Friday Mar. 27____________
Morning, P.O. breakfast, room & office cloudy & southerly wind. Go down to see Hodgkins who has gone, then to Wright and Bowne's, Hall's and up to office. Work over article on southern shell heaps. P.M. call on Capt. Noyes and Mrs. Brannan.

__________Saturday Mar, 28__________
Morning get Snook's bill, up to office pay bills and make out vouchers. Talk over accounts with Bradford 
Day cloudy & windy. Yale brings up Academy proceedings. Work over them awhile, send off exchanges. P.M. Stearns comes round.

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