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Express people about packages. Fordham & Jennings, go round to see beef. Back to office read proof leave card for Mrs. Rockwell. Down to printer's, dinner and in evening call on Mr. Raymond.

_________Friday Apr. 10. 1874.______
Up to office, Turner comes in, go down to vessel with him and Mrs. Rockwell. back to office. Carmany has been in about Avery
Go right down to his office but dont find him, leave word at Jennings, then up to Stearn's. Take Turner's job in my hands into Alaska Co's Office, then see Smith get material at Hodges & Steele's, leave him & go to office. Instruments have come. Read proof. P.M. call on Turner at the Occidental, and afterwards on Smith

__________Saturday Apr. 11.________
Morning, breakfast, office, send glasses & bottle to vessel by Tommy, with order for Smith & cobbler. Get clock, order bill at Express office. [[insertion]] [[Writeletters?]] [[/insertion]] Go down town, call at Kasts, Sacks, Tennents, Carmanys, Barnards, Blakistons & pay bill, Suttons, Sacks Raphaels & back to office. Work over vouchers. Call at Mrs Rockwells. Dinner. P.M. call on Stearns. & Turner.

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