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Sunday April 26. 1874
Day overcast, wind fresh and fair 
In P.M. squally and are obliged to reef for & main. 

Monday April 27
Fresh breeze all day, weather tolerably fair with passing clouds. Rainy in P.M. Under reefs in main & bonnet off the jib all day.

Tuesday April 28
Dead calm, nearly clear, till late in P.M. slatting badly, then a light breeze

Wednesday April 29
Day overcast wind fresh in P.M. barometer falling. wind strong See an unusually large number of [[?gories]] and fur seal.

Thursday April 30
Blowing hard all day with heavy sea. Under double reefed main-sail reefed jib & foresail. Moderates late in P.M.

Friday May 1
Weather unsettled, cloudy - occasional wind & rain squalls but less sea. Write up notes.

Saturday May 2.
Weather fine but wind gradually dies away, calm at night. Make land from Cape Ommany to Edgecomb about 3 P.M. A light land breeze about 10 P.M.

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[[image - ink drawing of mountain and landscape]] 
Edgecomb 50 miles N by W corn