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spoils the set. Observations for azimuth of sun from position on parade ground. Mark steeple of Indian Church. Adjust instruments. Fix station by measurements. P.M. attributes of sun for time, very good with sextant. Hope to fix corresponding ones in A.M. Break fast with Major Cushing. Search for station mark but it is not to be found & the information given by Davidson is not correct so we cannot fix it exactly. Call on Father Nikolai [Kouregin?]] who is in charge here. The bishop is despoiling the church for his San Fransisco chapel. Go aboard about noon - Come ashore again dine with Major Rodney and with Dr. Brooke & the two [[Majors?]] came aboard in P.M.

Tuesday May 5

Fog holds on so late that we cannot get our corresponding altitudes but go ashore about 8, hoping to get a set to be filled in P.M. Write up notes and go ashore. Azimuth of 0 with Theodolite in A.M. & P.M. & magnetic azimuth also. Later complete altitudes. buy two bearskins and a lot of Indian baskets mats &c. Whitford gives me a number of Indian stone articles. See [[Frokinan?]]

[[End Page]]

[[Start Page]]

[[Adding numbers]]

Dall   10.75
       17.75 +1.50
Noyes  8.00
Barker 13.25 - 1.50  11.75

[[/Adding numbers]]

[[Sketches of islands? - Image]]