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artificial horizon and theodolite no.97. Take some bearings to pin position of anchorage. Party came back about 5 P.M. having succeeded very well - Later the natives came off and after a great deal of coaxing we let the men come aboard - Give them some tobacco and biscuit and after an hour or two they go off tolerably well satisfied. buy a [[Makutah mah?]] from them.

Saturday May 16

Morning cloudy northerly wind - quite moderate. The Indians pack their canoes & leave much to our delight - Go ashore take magnetic azimuth and horizontal angles with the two theodolites and measure the base hue and spin with stadia. About 10 A.M the wind shifts so that we cannot get out at high water. P.M take the boat and go up the bay circumnavigate the island and find no trace of monument or observatory - Return at half past six - Captain gets some good [[food?]]