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Wednesday May 27
Morning clear with some fog. P.M. quite clear. Wind light or none. Work over plat of Port Mulgrave. P.M. about 5 oclock in Lat. 
and Lon                       sound
and get no bottom through in the wake of the so called Pamplona Rocks or bank. Get a series of altitudes to fix our position, an azimuth on Mt St. Elias which bears N by W by compass & some sextant altitudes on it for height. Later a little air springs up

Thursday May 28
Cloudy fresh easterly wind with a good deal of rain and a heavy swell. Work over sketch of Lituga Bay. About 9 P.M. raise Middleton Island which is long and very low as we see it. 

Friday May 29
Cloudy, rainy wind light N E Beating up to Port Elches. A native comes off to pilot us in but is of very little use. About 3 P.M. we anchor in the small harbor, least water going in 2 3/4 fms, in the narrow

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25            22.15. 50
35            22.50. 50
33            23.23. 50
40            24.03. 50
44            24.47. 50
47            25.34. 50
27            25.55. 25
53            26.48. 50
54            27.42. 50
56            28.38. 50
57            29.35. 50
60            30.35. 50 6
                   no bottom

entrance more water ranging from 4 1/2 to 7 fms. Anchor in 5 fms A Mr Hemingway comes off to see us. He is the agent of H.K & Co here and was for a long time 3 years at a station on the Knik river in Cook's Inlet. There are five settlements on the Bay. The largest is at Chinega where Shirpser has a post. The natives are eskimo & well disposed. Those here are Christianized many of the others heathens They bury the dead. The Copper River Indians come here to