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Saturday May 30
Morning & P.M. rainy, cloudy & fresh NE wind. Work over charts in A.M. P.M. go after clams but the low water is not low enough to get any. Send Mr Bailey dredging but the returns are small.

Sunday May 31
Day with succession of rain squalls and clear intervals  Evening clear & calm. Wind NE to SW irregular. light. Observations for time latitude, magnetic & solar azimuth. Go ashore & up to the town, see the Copper River Indians who came last night. They are typical Inimeh. Call themselves Ahtena as I conjectured the Ugal'entzi are a branch of the Chugatchigenut & call themselves Chilthakmut. Their language is slightly altered form the original Chugatch. Get a piece of nature copper from the Ah-tenah. Many of their words are the same as the Tanameh River Indians. Return to vessel. Evening go ashore again but find no fossils. Capt. Baker and Noyes go to town & the Atnas come aboard to look at the vessel. See a halibut & some salmon.