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Monday June 1, 1874
Morning clear. Later light clouds
Fresh irregular wind. Observations for time latitude magnetic & solar azimuth. About 6 P.M. try to get out of the harbor but the wind dies away and comes out ahead and we have to anchor again. Send Mr. Bailey out dredging & this time he strikes the right spot. Work over vouchers Cash 588.00 coin 13.50 currency.

Tuesday June 2
Start in A.M. but are obliged to anchor for want of wind. Find an 8 foot shoal just abreast of the last Id on the starboard hand going in  1/2 fms inside of it & close to it. Later start again & this time get out with very light southerly wind
Day cloudy. Work over dredgings all day.

Wednesday June 3
Cloudy with some sun in P.M. Wind light NEasterly all day. Work over vouchers. About noon raise Middleton Id which is quite low, flat or nearly so on top with the W point & shore for some distance north of it 

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2.13 P.M.
Cape Clease  W 1/4 N
NE pt Id     E by N
W  "   "     SE by E

Skunk cabbage leaf
47 in long
24 in wide
stalk 4 1/2 in

perpendicular cliff say 100 ft high of clay rock containing pebbles & stones, covered with a deep layer of sand and several feet of turf. The tide sets strongly round this Id. Rising tide to N-ward on W side; heavy beds of kelp occupy bight stand in but dare not go far and anchor 
[[margin]] at 4 P.M. [[/margin]]
in 11 1/2 fms hard bottom outside the kelp & a mile & a half of the shore E by N from us. The soundings for four miles on this line do not exceed 15 fms. See a good deal of driftwood afloat. Go ashore, observations for time with sextant. Get a great many gull & goose eggs. Some plants & two seal.