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The seal are small air seal& haul up here in great numbers The Schr. Northwester once (in 1870) spent some time sealing here for oil. The shore where we landed is tolerably low, with sand beach. See a number of killers after the seal. Come off after rather indifferent observations interrupted with by wind. at 6.30.

Thursday June 4
Morning clear & fine wind rather fresh and more to the northward. Observations for time. Later, swell begins to heave up and the party comes on board get under way at 11.30 and running on a true West course get the latitude a little later. The island about the locality of the station is less than a mile wide. Near the southern end perhaps twice as wide. The south end is the highest with abrupt shore, a narrow strip of low land in the [[edges?]] the whole becoming more low to the north end which is near the sea level. The top gas some knolls on it the edges of the cliff are pretty.

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At anchorage
Astron [[triangle]] 1 1/2 miles ESE mag
S pt                S by E 1/4 E
End of breakers     S 1/4 W
North end Id.       NNE
End of point.       S 1/4 E
Cape Clease         W by N
N E End Montague Id NW
W end Hinchinbroke Id NW by N

12 M.
N End Id.   NE by E
S "    "     E
S "  reef    E by S 1/2 S
Course SW by W. 6 miles


[[margin]] [[image]] [[/margin]]

even at the top. There is a reef, breaking in patches, entirely round the east side, with a heavy swell on the breakers were a mile and a half from the Id and the water inside was quite smooth and no surf on the beach. The reef extends a long distance off the south end but only a short distance from the north end we saw no brakes or rock