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Monday June 8
Morning cloudy fresh SE wind about 9 A.M. stand out of Kadiak and steer to the Northward. Later wind shifts to NE and we go along at a good jog Look over ermine, write up notes. Play cards in the P.M.

Tuesday June 9
More or less cloudy & foggy all day with some rain. Wind light with an old SE swell 
Overhaul plants.

Wednesday June 10
Early A.M. cloudy with rain off the SW point of Chirikoff Id two miles. Wind very light S. At noon get altitude for determining the latitude, being obliged to anchor on account of light wind & strong head tide ebbing to SW. At 1 P.M. heave up and stand into the anchorage, and at 2.30 anchor in 6 1/2 fms sand off the village. Go ashore & get observations for time and azimuth and various bearings to determine position of reefs & shape of island village deserted & in ruins. See Ducks glaucous gull, ravens, eagles Puffins murres, Mel. insignis & sandwichensis

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[[strikethrough]] Settlement [[/strikethrough]]
                    N by E
S End               NE
W Pt                NW 1/2 W
Rks [[?]] Round Rk  NW by W 1/2/ W


10.10 A.M. W Pt  NNE 1/2 E 1 1/2 miles
           S End ENE 1/2 E
          Gulley NE by E
             Pt  N 1/4 W
       Settlemen N by W + S Rks
             Pt  NNW
        N End Id NN or 1/4 W
        Single R NW by N
        Large Rk NW 1/4 W