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As we continued on our course the following bearings indicate when two points were on with one another

g & e                   w[[??]] n 1/2 n
a & b                   SW 1/2 W
f & i                   WNW
h & e                   W by N
a & d                   SW by S
Rock & d                S by W 1/2 W
Rock & b                S 1/2 W
j & 1                   NW
f & d                   S 1/2 W
f & b                   S
Wend Keeleetagikh & f   WNW
"    Sukhlik & d        S by E
W " keeleetagikhy & 1  ---------
Choweet & Kateekhuk open SW by W 1/2W
Enter the strait between the islands (which are composed of granite in vertical beds & turf on top ) and the weather being fine anchor in 12 1/2 fms near the strait between arrowik and Keeleetaghick.  The soundings range from 22  when past the end of Sukhlik to 10  , inside of us--bold water, precipitous rocky shores & no hidden dangers.  There is a bay on the SW side of Choweerb

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which the natives  say affords good anchorage in easterly & northerly winds-- there are seal sea lion & many birds--no sea otter or other furs. The party were left here in March by the Annie and if she does not take them off will go to Chirikoff Id. In August.  They are hunting trading & will find salmon at Cherikift in August--no fish or very few here--Tides run up to the westward & fall to the easterward in the strait  rise about seven feet.  There are no streams & hardly any landing places--
Evening calm
-----------Saturday June 13--------------
Morning clear & light SW wind. Complete equal altitude of last night.  Go ashore & climb a mountain on Arrowik Island & take a series of angles & hearings on various islands. Run a base line about a mile long close to the vicinity of the astronomical station and here take another series.  Get