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circummeridian observations for latitude and observations for astronomical & magnetic azimuth. Go aboard & get [[?]] there over to  [[Chowceret?]] island & take another set of angles & bearings, back to vessel and weigh anchor about half past four with a moderate breeze and stand over toward Chighik Bay. The tide was low last night at 4 A.M. and today about 4 P.M. High water comes about 10 P.M. hence as the new moon crosses the meridian here at 8 P.M. the establishment will be hours. Get some dredgings. 

Sunday June 14
Very light wind in A.M. Get time & bearings early in A.M. Knock about until about noon when we get latitude and then have light & puffy winds till late in P.M. Cannot get into the SW bay at the head of Chignik and therefore anchor under the head east of it. Natives of a hunting party in 

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NNW 1/2 W Aghik & Aghiguk open 
{W end Aghiguk N by E 2 miles
{NW end N by W 1/2 W

N end Aghiguk      N by E
W end Aghiguk      E 1/2 N
outer Id           SE


the bay come off & promise to bring aboard some deermeat in the morning. P.M. Dull & cloudy, fresh south & SW wind in squalls.

Monday June 15
Blowing a southwester outside. Rainy & foggy all day. Work over sketches of Middleton & Chirikoff islands and magnetics. Buy a lot of deer meat from Ivan Petriakoff who with a party & his schooner the Nikolai are hunting sealion here. P.M. Capt. Herendeen goes off & sees a good many deer but fails to kill one The shoal bight runs in for five or 6 miles. The entrance 1/4 of a mile wide only.

Tuesday June 16
Cloudy wind light. Run the shoreline of the anchorage