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get an intelligible cross bearing on it. There is a little cave on NE end Mitroph. Id & a sand spit on the NW, but no deep indentation. Id is very high & rky [[image]] stand over toward the main land in search of an anchorage & finally get one in a small bight on one of the Cha-ya-chi Ids. which is pretty well sheltered but has from 22-16 fms water and a rather uneven bottom
Anchor there to await a chance for observations. P.M. cloudy, wind lighter

Friday June 26
Cloudy. A.M. go ashore & set up a signal on the hill for an azimuth [[triangle symbol]]. Wind light. Get a great lot of the rare Cypripediums. Back to vessel. P.M. azimuth observations interrupted by fog. Evening clears a little. Fine by arcturns interrupted by clouds again. Magn Az.

Saturday June 27
Morning broken clouds. wind light. Obser. for time & latitude sextant and azimuth astr. with theodolite 97 P.M. corresponding altitudes. Capt. Herendeen goes off to try &

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get some salmon. Work over sketches. P.M. Go up on the hill & take series of bearings & angles, for shoreline. Boat gets back with one salmon. Evening calm. See a glacier on the hills of the mainland.

Sunday June 28
Morning half clear. Obs, for time sextant and latitude at noon P.M. corresponding equal altitudes. A.M. run shoreline of anchorage. P.M. sounding & send Mr. Bailey out dredging who gets Drillia Kennicottii and a few other tolerable things. Evening calm cloudy

Monday June 29
Morning cloudy calm or light airs. Get under way but make hardly any headway. Pass between the islands & the main. P.M. wind fresher SW, foggy. cloudy some rain. Evening strong breeze with rain, take in light sail & reef main & foresail

Tuesday June 30
Morning foggy & rainy dead calm all day. Atkins Id bearing SE by S & Castle Rock SW. sound in 110 fms muddy bottom. Work over sketch of Chiachi Id & drawings