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Wednesday July 1. 1874.
Morning. Cloudy foggy, wind moderate, beat down into North west Harbor, anchoring in five fathoms about nine A.M. Go ashore and fix up astronomical [[triangle symbol]] and get circummeridian obs, with sextant for time and latitude. Later a few sets astronomical azimuth & magnetic azimuth. Get up five signals. The harbor is a narrow strait between a triangular island & little [[Koriushi?]], there are no good landing places. P.M. wind blows quite fresh and woolleys down in sharp squalls. rainy & foggy. 

Thursday July 2
Rains & blows hard in squalls all day with very thick fog. Work over monthly reports & sketches. Fill water

Friday July 3
Blows very hard from the westward all day. Cannot land. work over sketches etc. Late in P.M. moderates and Baker gets ashore & gets some time observations. Day nearly clear.

Saturday. July. 4
Half clear. Wind fresh but not so strong as yesterday. Complete altitudes of last night. Get good

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azimuth and latitude observations. Go onto the high ridge S of the anchorage and fixing position by 3 pt [[?]] take several series of angles & bearings for shore line. Return about 3 P.M. Send Baker & Noyes to Hill [[triangle symbol]] to finish up the observations from that point & they get back about 8.45 P.M.

Sunday July 5
Morning half cloudy wind more moderate but still strong and squally now & then. Complete the [[triangle symbol]]n fearing that fog my set in. Return about 5 P.M. After supper, Baker & Noyes finish the magnetics.

Monday July 6
Do a little sounding. Wind very fresh NNW. Cloudy, go out by the east strait, stand up the E side of Big Konushi, but it blows and woolleys so that we have to run down & anchor in the bight behind the islands on Big Koniushi. Capt. H. kills a lot of the small [[cristid ank?]] in P.M.

Tuesday July 7
Clear wind NW strong. Go up on the ridge west of the anchorage & get a series of angles & bearings for shoreline. Return