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with nothing but a compass, and sextant but report a great deal of local variation.

Thursday, July 23
Ashore early in A.M. Get 8 pairs of equal altitudes for time when it shuts up with a thick fog which lasts all day. Wind fresh and squally. Ashore all. Dine with Capt. Bryant & Dr. Cramer 
In the afternoon go down to the reef rookery and get a good sight of the seals. Come off about 5 P.M. About seven wind begins to clear off a little. 

Friday July 24.
Morning. Cloudy fresh NNW wind Baker goes ashore and gets a few sets of astr. azimuth, through the clouds. Afterwards notes from [[triangle symbol]] and magnetic azimuth. Elliott comes off and traces chart of St. Mathew, & stays to lunch. P.M. get telemeter observations & bearings from hill and vessel on the surrounding land. Evening wind more moderate.

Saturday July 25
Morning cloudy. Start with light westerly wind for the W end of the island but rain squalls come up the tips of

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the mountains are in the fog and on the whole it appears so unfavorable that I turn back, go to the village, take some telemeter observations and bearings. Get theodolite & wait for the island to come out of the fog, as I wish to get an azimuth on St. George. Late in the P.M. it comes out and we get an azimuth as well as three good sets of astronomical azimuth. Mr. Bailey goes adredging and gets very little except some queer fish and shrimps. Clouds up again toward night, very thick.

Sunday July 26
Morning cloudy, wind light. Go ashore and walk over to the Lukannon beach with Capt. Bryant. Get a few things worth having. About noon get a few few equal altitudes for time and [[strikethrough]] equal [[/strikethrough]] circum. meridian altitudes for Lat. 57.07.14. Spend the P.M. ashore, and come aboard for dinner bidding every body goodbye. Leave an order with Capt. Bryant for a seal pup robe and 20.00 in coin to pay for it. P.M. cloudy nearly calm. 24 fms betw Walrus Id & St Paul. Reef & scattering rocks off Sea lion Pt. & off SW pt 3/4 mile, 12 fms close to Walrus Id. Rock 1 3/4 miles SW of [[?]]