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Monday July 27.74
Morning cloudy wind very light Easterly with an old heavy SW swell 
Get underway about 9 A.M. and stand to the westward round the island taking bearings and ranges as we go. Two miles off SW pt in the time of the reef get 17 1/2 fms sandy bottom, a mile west of the latter place get no bottom with 28 fms. North of NE point a mile and a half get 17 fms. Pass close to Walrus Id and see many walrus & birds. In early A.M. see a topsail Schr. with 3 jibs standing  to the Southward. See the cutters boat returning when off NE pt. and the cutter at anchor off Reef Pt on the E side. After finishing our bearings stand over toward Nunivak Wind much fresher in evening with a little rain

Tuesday July 28
Foggy rainy & strong NE wind all day. running for Nunivak Id toward night as we must be near the island shorten sail and sound in 17 fms. Weather very foggy. Work on sketch of St Paul Id. and put up plants during day

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Wednesday July 29
Cloudy & foggy wind fresh. Toward noon it lights up a little and we find ourselves to the north of the west point of Nunivak. Run in behind Cape [[Etolin?]] and come to an anchor in a small bight behind it. Eight or ten single bidarkas come off and we drive quite a brisk trade for arrows, lances etc. etc. Evening cloudy, work most of the day on our chart of St. Paul.

[[strikethrough]] Thursday [[/strikethrough]] Friday July 30
Morning cloudy, wind more moderate, go ahhore and get time latitude and one set of astronomical azimuth, and magnetic azimuth 
Go over the beaches & get a variety of good things. Mr. Bailey does pretty well dredging. Buy a lot of ethnological things from the natives. Evening wind SE again thick and cloudy. 

[[overwritten]] Thurs [[/overwritten]] Friday July 30
Day cloudy toward noon it lights up a little, get series of latitude observations and some [[??]] time. Trade with the natives for arrows etc. Evening blows quite hard from the S.E.