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Friday, Aug 14.74
Morning foggy. go ashore & get angles & bearings to complete sketch of harbor. Mr. Bailey fills water & dredges. Finds a fine [[Cabret?]] & an arrowhead on the beach. Capt. H. goes ashore but finds nothing. P.M. rainy & stormy. Plat sketch of harbor. Put away dredgings &c

Saturday Aug 15
Morning foggy, light NW wind go ashore and explore for fossils & dig in the shell heaps getting a number of things Noyes & Baker kill a deer apiece. I come off about 3 P.M. and the others get aboard about seven 
Day foggy throughout

Sunday Aug 16
Morning. Baker Noyes & Capt. H. go ashore to get the deer killed yesterday & Capt. H. kills two more making in all five brought aboard. I pack away fossils & catalogue, ethnological specimens on their return we put to sea beating out against a head wind which dies away and we are obliged to anchor in 3 fms off the harbor to avoid drifting with the tide. Morning foggy. Later clear.

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Monday Aug 17th
Morning somewhat foggy. Get under way at 6 A.M. with a light breeze and calm sea, keep going all day as steady as a [[church?]]. Work over packing fossils, finish chart of St. Elias and vicinity. Most of day clear, and moderate but steady wind.

Tuesday Aug 18
Densely foggy all day. Work over clinical matters. Wind fresh and steady. Vessel going steadily on her course.

Wednesday Aug 19
Dense fog all day. Wind moderate NE. Standing off and on for it to light up. Work over tracings of sketches

Thursday Aug 20
Foggy most of the day, wind light in A.M. Fresh in P.M. About 2 P.M. fog clears up and we find ourselves to the S & W of St. George Id. Wind shifting to the NE we have to beat up.

Friday Aug 21
Day cloudy with fresh northerly wind, bad broken sea, beating all day toward St. George's Island. P.M. see a Schr. under the land.