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Saturday August 22nd, 1874
A.M. squally from N & NNW, get into South Bay and anchor. The Schr. Cygnet Capt. Kimberly, a celebrated otter hunter is also at anchor there. Send the boat in to take observations and they get tolerable latitude and time. The mate Mr. Cameron of the Cygnet [[?]] us and we go aboard the Cygnet for a while. They have about 200 otters. Four Indians and seven men. They intend to search on a kelp bed about 12 miles NE [[true?]] from the E end of St. George for otters. As soon as it moderates. Agent MacIntyre & Morgan of the A.C.C. come over from the village in hot haste, taking us for a lot of pirates with designs in the seal rookeries. They stay to lunch and we furnish them with some venison. Also Capt. Kimberly who comes to dinner. Evening more moderate but squally.

Sunday Aug 23
Morning squally with showers passing clouds and fresh wind Get equal altitudes corresponding 

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to those of yesterday P.M. About 10 A.M. get under way and sail round the island taking bearings to complete our sketch, which differs considerably from Elliotts. The Cygnet is off for the kelp beds By noon get by the west end of the island and take our departure from the east end about 2 P.M. for Unalashka. Make tolerable time through the wind is puffy with a bad sea. 

Monday Aug 24
Strong WNW wind with fog & rain all day. Run down to within 9 miles of Unalashka Heads, when it shuts in so thick and blows so hard that we reduce her to double reefs and the tide kicks up such a nasty sea that we are obliged to head her to the northward. See a whaling bark the Java, quite near and making very good weather of it. P.M. very rough and nasty.

Tuesday Aug 25
Make the land early in A.M. Stand in and anchor off the town in 15 fms about 11 A.M. Day windy & cloudy with showers. Get our mail which