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Thursday Sept 3
Day cloudy, wind light. About noon some rain. 
Go to Natukin Bay. Lieut. Maynard, Capt. Baker & Collector Woods go with us to fish. Run shore line of Natukin Bay, interrupted by rain but nearly finish it. Back by 7 P.M.

Friday Sept 4
Rainy & foggy. Work over computations and sketch of NW. Harbor. Evening go ashore & call on Greenbaum, the priest Col Wood & Shanfelt.

Saturday Sept 5
Showery & squally, in A.M. Clears a little in P.M. Work all day over Shumagin map.

Sunday Sept 6
Day half clear, cold but pleasant. P.M. cloudy. Work over sketch of Koniushi Id. Shumagins Evening play crib & go ashore for a little while.

Monday Sept 7
Send Mr Bailey out dredging and he meets with great success. Day begins with a mild southeaster, rain, wind & fog. Work over currents and temperatures until Keene the pilot comes aboard.

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P.M. overhauling dredgings, Betushka comes to dinner, and Elliott, Maynard, and Willett come in the evening

Tuesday Sept 8
Rains hard all day work over dredgings. P.M. go aboard the cutter

Wednesday Sept 9
Morning half clear & fine. Go to the west side of the bay & run shoreline. Later rains & showers, back to vessel by 5 P.M. Evening blows a gale from SE. The Reliance sailed this A.M.

Thursday Sept 10
Morning moderate, with half clear sky & strong squalls from SW, and threatening clouds. Looks too bad to risk a long pull so work over computations &c all day. Evening showers & later cloudy. Go ashore & call on Col. Wood.

Friday Sept 11
Rainy & stormy, fresh northerly wind. Work over clerical work. Send Mr Bailey out dredging on [[insertion]] ^ the ridge between [[/insertion]] the heads of Captains Harbor and he brings back some good things. P.M. work over assorting these &c. Pecter Alaskensis, Dillia Kennicottii, Chrysodomus indet. & Pleurotoma [[circinata?]] are among the prizes.