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Saturday Sept 12
Foggy & rainy with light variable wind. A.M. pack & catalogue specimens. Work over clinical work. Pay rolls in P.M. Mr. Bailey gone fishing.

Sunday Sept 13
Rains all day wind light. P.M. go ashore on the island. Feel a little under the weather & take a dose of physic.

Monday Sept 14
Morning early clear, fine & calm soon clouds over, take the by boat & continue our work on the west side of the bay. P.M. comes on rainy & we return about 3 P.M. Evening calm cloudy.

Tuesday Sept 15
Day cloudy with squalls of wind otherwise pretty moderate. Obs for magnetic azimuth A.M. & P.M. work over payrolls. P.M. Shanfelt comes off to dinner & as the evening is very stormy & rainy he stays aboard over night.

Wednesday Sept 16
Rains in A.M. with thick fog but not much wind. Bar. goes down to 28.85 the lowest of the season. Work over sketch charts. Evening blowing a gale from the SSE. with heavy rain

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Thursday Sept. 17. 1874
Morning cloudy and blowing very hard in squalls. P.M. more moderate half clear. The Schr. Sutton comes in from 4 mountain Ids. where the Captain has obtained a number of mummies from a cave and a lot of other articles

Friday Sept 18
Rains hard all day. Work over computations & dredgings

Saturday Sept 19
Day cloudy with light wind, and in PM. fog & slight rain. Magnetic azimuth A.M. & P.M. Mr Bailey dredges in Port [[Levascheff?]]. Capt. Lennan aboard to dinner. P.M. work over dredgings.

Sunday Sept 20
Work over dredgings most of the day. Half cloudy. some fog in P.M. Sun out at times. Obs. for time to rate chronometers

Monday Sept 21
Rains more or less all day with fog nearly calm. Bailey dredging on shore building boat house. P.M. sort dredgings.