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the day but no land comes out. about 6 P.M. strike the outward bound fleet of coasters and soon afterward make Point Lobos. About a quarter to nine, come to an anchor off Meiggs Wharf in San Francisco. Weather foggy & drizzly. Noyes, R. Baker & Herendeen go ashore.

Tuesday Oct. 13.
Early in A.M. go ashore. Call at the P.O. Go up to Deutches and meet Bendel & Dr. Hyan's. Then go to the Elmer's & secure a room, then up to the office. See Schumacher, Curry, and Langheller
Get room into shape. Clean up and arrange things. Afterward go down town, meet Caot. Hall. call on Carmany, up to Restaurant to dinner, and in evening call on Capt. Noyes & meet Dr Baker the fiance of Miss Lizzie. Go aboard at 10.30

Wednesday Oct. 14
Breakfast & get things ready to be carried up to office & room. Go up to office, then to bank and down to P.O. & into see Dougherty. Get a letter addressed to [[strikethrough]] Col [[/strikethrough]] me at Unalashka which contains the important information that the appropriations failed during the last session, and hence the work must

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be given up or intermitted for a year. This settles a point in which my ideas were very evenly balanced  It is probably for the best that I should go East, as the longer I am away the greater the increase of the gap between me and my associates & studies. Go to telegraph office & send a long telegram to Patterson & reserve part of my draft till I hear from Hein. Up to office & write letters, work there till dinner time and then go to the theater with Bendel to see Davy Crockett.

Thursday Oct 15
Post office. Breakfast. get papers &c from Capt. Noyes' office  Up to room & sort them and then to office. Work most of day over writing letters & preliminary report. Get telegram form Patterson Go to Post office & send registered letters, Meet Low, and Jennings Meet Stearns at dinner and call on Stebbins & Fisher.

Firday Oct 16
Breakfast P.O. and up to office. Talk over matters with Langheller  Write letters. Go to Bank. Evening call on Bolander at 1231 Mission St