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Wednesday Nov. 4.
Morning. P.O. breakfast, room & office. Chase comes in. Leave note at church  Go down to vessel [[insertion]] [[Hassler?]] [[/insertion]] and overhaul scientific equipment and mark boxes. P.M. return to office. Dinner Attend Sarah Hall's wedding in evening

Thursday Nov. 5.
morning, leave order at Pace's, P.O. breakfast , [[?]] come up, and put in church, send two boxes to Express office for S.I. Rainy. P.M. go down to railroad depot, and ship goods for S.I. & Baker. P.M. call on Mrs Rockwell.

Friday Nov 6
Morning, Binder P.O. chart mounters Breakfast. office. Mr. Bailey comes up, go round with him to the Academy. Get porpoise jaws. Leave equipment. Later go down to the vessel and pack large chest See Pace & get receipt. Jennings and Moore. Evening call on Capt. Herendeen.

Saturday Nov 7
Morning P.O., room, office, Mr Bailey & the carpenter come up with instruments. Send Tommy round with books &c. About noon go down to vessel.

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Pack up personal traps and get boxes in order. Return to office, dinner and spend the evening with Bendel.

Sunday Nov. 8
Morning P.O. breakfast, Room and office. Write letters. Call on Hague & see Prof. Gilman Dine with Capt. Noyes.

Monday Nov 9
P.O. Bacon's breakfast, office Herendeen & Bradford in. About 1 P.M. Go down to vessel and work on inventory with Bradford. About 5 P.M. up to office dinner. Evening go to theater with Bendel & Baker.

Tuesday Nov 10
Morning P.O. Breakfast office. send Baker down to vessel. He brings up boxes. Go down abt noon & mark boxes. Back to office, calling on Hall and spend evening with Jennings

Wednesday Nov 11
Morning P.O. breakfast, Wells Fargos & send boxes. Office Down to vessel about noon and finish inventory with Bradford. Return to office & complete copy  Evening call at Smiths & Shebbins