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come in, work 
over papers. [[superscript]] Lunch with Whymper [[/superscript]] Go down to see Watkins. P.M. Go to Oakland boat at  P.M. on way to Haywards to call on Honcharenko with Bendel Go over but do not find H. at depot, get a buggy and finally reach his place after dark on top of the Coast Range about five miles from Haywards Spend the night with him.

Thursday Nov. 19
Morning, look over Honcharenko's place and the Nihilists cabin. Drive down to the Depot, reach S.F. about 12.30 P.O. Lunch. Carmany's, Paces. Room office. Get watch (No 39.846 n) Look for a key but find none. P.M. see Carmany & Pace again. Dine with Capt. Herendeen & Call on the Hall's

Friday Nov 20
Breakfast. P.O. Carmany's Office. (Snook's) See Olaffson at office. Noyes comes in. See about ticket. About noon go out to Woodwards Garden and examine the animals. Back to office, see Bendel. Down to room & dress. Evening dine with & spend the evening at Jenning's.

Saturday Nov. 21
Morning cliudy. P.O. breakfast

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Office, Noyes, Bendel & Herendeen come in. Pack up various boxes & mark for transportation. Baker goes down with the captain on board some of the whalers, write letters &c. At 4.30 go over to Oakland & dine with H. Bendel in company with B. Bendel & Baker. back at 9.10

Sunday Nov. 22
P.O. Breakfast. Room & pack trunk down to office. Pack large box. To call today on Stebbins. Hague and dine with the Noyes.

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