Viewing page 98 of 101

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

Back of notch to tip              8 3/4 ins.
On this line 5 ins. from notch, with flukes  3 3/8  " [[Ditto for: ins.]]
Pectoral at junction      4 1/2 " [[Ditto for: ins.]]
" [[Ditto for: Pectora]] behind inner corner      4 " [[Ditto for: ins.]]
" [[Ditto for: Pectora]] at " " [[Dittos for: inner corner]]  4 1/2 " [[Ditto for: ins.]]
[[strikethrough]] Inner [[/strikethrough]] " [[Ditto for: Pectora]]  Inner corner to tip   7  " [[Ditto for: ins.]]
" [[Ditto for: Pectora]]  tip to ant'r corner at junction  1 " [[Ditto for: ins.]]
" [[Ditto for: Pectora]]  transverse width from inner corner  4  " [[Ditto for: ins.]]
" [[Ditto for: Pectora]]   hence to tip      6  " [[Ditto for: ins.]]
Anterior edge of dorsal to tip              12  " [[Ditto for: ins.]]
Curve crosses this line at 3 inches
At 7 inches amount of curve 1 inch
" [[Ditto for: At]] 9 1/2 " " " " [[Dittos for: inches amount of curve]]  1 1/4 " [[Ditto for: inch]]es
Hight of tip above back                      7     ins.
" " [[Dittos for: Hight of]] lower ridges on this line above back 1 in
Amount of curve at 4 inches above back       2 ins
" " " " [[Dittos for: Amount of curve at]] 5 " " " [[Dittos for: inches above back]]  1 1/2 " [[Ditto for: ins]]
" " " " [[Dittos for: Amount of curve at]] 6 " " " [[Dittos for: inches above back]]  3/4 " [[Ditto for: ins]]
Anterior edge of dorsal to this line        10 1/2 " [[Ditto for: ins]]
End of lower ridge    14 " [[Ditto for: ins]]
[[Ant?]] end to blow hole   18 " [[Ditto for: ins]]
Width of blow hole    1 in
Length of beak in front forward   6 ins.
Depth of beak one inch from [[nob?]] end   2  " [[Ditto for: ins.]]
" " " [[Dittos for: Depth of beak]] at beginning of forehead       [[?/3]]
" " " " " "  [[Dittos for: Depth of beak at beginning of]] upper jaw      1 in
" " " " " "  [[Dittos for: Depth of beak at beginning of]] back & lower jaw  2 ins
Hight of forehead above line at corner of mouth  4 1/2 " [[Ditto for: ins.]]
Depth  [[line]]  below " " " " " [[Dittos for: line at corner of mouth]] 3 1/4 " [[Ditto for: ins.]]
Hight at [[insertion]] ^ ant'r [[/insertion]] corner of eye 4 3/4 in total  8 1/2 " [[Ditto for: ins.]]
" " [[Dittos for: Hight at]] edge " [[Ditto for: of]] Pectoral 5 1/2 " " [[Ditto for: ins. total]] 10 1/2 " [[Ditto for: ins.]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Top dull black
ditto fins & flukes
black of back bounded by illdef. line from eye aft curving down beneath the dorsal.  Whole after end more or less lighter.  One narrow white streak round forehead
Under eyes and curving follows line of belly to tail another very narrow from cor of mouth to over pectorals
[[image - drawing of left side of dolphin with colors of ventral and lateral areas indicated as white, and dorsal area indicated as dark]]
Lower ant end of beak smooched dark gray & line then to ant corner of pectorals

Transcription Notes:
Smithsonian Archives have asked that the dittos be transcribed as [[Dittos for: text]]. I'm out and about and will start but don't know whether I'll be able to do the whole page - @siobhanleachman