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[[circled, blue pencil]] Aug 8 1894 [[/circled, blue pencil]]

Calc. .26 .40 .60 .92 1.4  2.0 3.0 4.5 vat .66
Formed -  -  .6  1.0  1.4  2.2 3.

417 (J. Doll)
[[blue strikethrough]] Spilosoma-like larva of [[underlined]] Arachnis [[/underlined]] sp. [[insertion]] suffusa Schaus [[/insertion]]
[[underlined]] Eggs [[/underlined]] nearly spherical but with flattened base, somewhat conoidal, the apex slightly acuminate. Diam. .6 mm Of a fleshy brown or yellow color with a shiny pearly bluish lustre. X50 covered with large, shallow pits with ill defined edges, not sharp enough to form reticulation of the spaces between. [Would first head be about .35 mm?]
[[underlined]] Stage [[overwritten]] II [[/overwritten]] hd .6 [[/underlined]] very pale yellowish, shiny. large cluster of ocelli black, mouth brown a blackish shade at vertex. Scarcely bilobed, very slightly retracted below 2. Body normal, warts quite large but concolorous & inconspicuous, the hair bearing granules only black. Pale greenish yellow with a faint white dorsal line. C-Sh small, lens shaped, brownish On anal plate, warts [[circled]] 2 [[/circled]] [[circled]] [[3?]] [[/circled]] on 3 - 4 and 12 tinged markedly with dark orange [[/blue strikethrough]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[blue strikethrough]] from Guadaljara. Mex.
Hair [[fine?]], not abundant. of varying length brownish
[[underlined]] Stage [[insertion]] III [[/insertion]] hd 1 ± [[/underlined]] [[insertion]] (Sh hd 1.05) [[/insertion]] Same. Antenna black tipped Body much same but traces of a blackish s-d line. Hair more abundant, mostly short, white, but mixed with a few very long hairs, some of which are black. Feet all pale, colorless, watery.
[[underlined]] Molt Sept 21 [[/underlined]] [[overwritten]] IV [[/overwritten]] Hd bilobed brownish yellow ocelli black. Mouth brownish, jaw black. w. [[insertion]] (Sh hd 1.45) [[/insertion]]  mm. Body green, rather [[sordid?]], tho [[overwritten]] [[+?]] [[/overwritten]] segs & area  around [[circled]] 3 [[/circled]] on 12 shaded with orange. Feet & [[acute?]] whitish. A narrow defined [[insertion]] * [[insertion]] [[strikethrough]] but not conspicuous [[/strikethrough]] white d [[strikethrough]] [[&?]] [[/strikethrough]] lat [[insertion]] & SS [[/insertion]] lines [[insertion]] [[+?]] [[/insertion]] the latter shaded above & below with black dottings. Warts large, concolorous the hair granules black. Hair long, stiff & straight, thin, but fine, Spinulose white & black intermixed. Length 15 mm Some of the hairs are 8 mm long. [[strikethrough]] [[Later the?]] white lines [[/strikethrough]] [[circled]] conspicuous [[insertion]] + [[/insertion]] [[/circled]] Lat. [[insertion]] + [[/insertion]] one enclosing [[image - check mark]] warts [[circled]] 3 [[/circled]] [[strikethrough]] Also a distinct S-S one. [[/strikethrough]] Line of tracheae evident
[[underlined]] Molt Sept 26 [[overwritten]] V [[/overwritten]] [[/underlined]] Hd 2 ± [[insertion]] (Sh hd 2.2) [[/insertion]] Hd bilobed, lobes full, rounded Suture evident; pale brownish, ocelli black, mouth dark concealed beneath the hairs of 2. D. space whitish grey. d. white line narrow, discrete. Lateral space dark greenish grey, pale at ends. s-v space greenish. with dist. white s-v line. Warts large, [[insertion]] pale [[granular?]] black [[/insertion]] concolorous [[circled]] 4 [[/circled]] slight orange, distinctly so ant. & post esp on 12 Feet pale. Hair long, [[insertion]] bristly but [[/insertion]] fine, abundant, black & white [[/blue strikethrough]]

Transcription Notes:
This image is the same as the one on page 6 of this project minus the loose leaf notes. After editing, I've ensured that both pages match. -@mnathan Both pages contain large blue X's written across all text.