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418 (J. Doll)
[[Blue squiggly lines cross the top quarter of text on both pages]]
[[underlined]] Sphinx eremitus [[/underlined]] on Hd. higher than wide, square on top but narrowing, flat before; [[clypeus?]] small, sutures deep. Coarsely shagreened; deep patchy brown with a white line on each side, nearly to vertex. Ocelli & mouth black co 5 1/2 mm Body cylindrical, seg 8-annulated on 3 and. d. a fleshy collar like projection [[Hon stout?]], moderate, slight [[around?]] coarsely granular. Blackish pitching thickly covered with little black dots in pale circles, 7 oblique lat. paler shades. The feet & horn black. Tho segs without dots, smoky brown, [[strikethrough]] tho [[/strikethrough]] cervical shield area paler, narrowly lined with black, bisected by a pale line with black bordered: a black patch on 2 post under "collar". On 3 [[?]] post to collar a large oval sooty black patch, [[surround?]] (ant. esp) by a white [[streak?]] which [[?]] on the "collar". Spiracles in a black area [[end page]]

[[start page]] On [[?]] cherry, bayberry & oak, Sept 1895. Had caltrope [[patches?]] top of [[circled]] 2 [[/circled]] 6-12 and [[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] 13 but no long spine patches Caltropes present before last stage.
Full grown 16 mm without horns. Only caltropes
[[in blue pencil]] Sept 16 1893 [[/in blue pencil]]
419 (J. Doll)
[[underlined]] Euclea indetermina [[/underlined]] Bd (= Parasa viridus Reak) [[on?]] bayberry, N.J. Sept 16, 1893. [Coll. by Doll] ([[?]] forms [[gamboge?]] yellow or vermillion red.) Same stage, but horns vary in length, some nearly twice as long as others & more slender! [[Head?]] below 2, 2 below 3. Tho. feet small, pale, abd none; venter soft sticky, clean honey brown. [[Dosrum?]] sides flattened with s-d & superstig [[seris?]]of segmenting horn like process, and [[?]] with urticating spines. S-d horns 3-13, then on 4, 5, 8, 11, 12 very long, the ones on 3 & 13 moderate, the rest very short, subspherical. Lat. row [[strikethrough]] 3-19 [[/strikethrough]] [[overwritten]] 3-4, 6-12 (none on 5) [[/overwritten]] short, except on on 4 which is twice as long as the others. Spiracles round, the one on 5 [[strikethrough]] behind [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] in line with [[/insertion]] the horns, those 6-12 much below them, the one on 2 usually concealed as the segment is retracted. Head pale, blotched with red in its lower part, ocelli & mouth dark. W. mm.