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Got another in house on black oak on the hill on the road to Longwood, Yaphank, L. I. Sept. 3 1897
[[underlined]] Lacosoma chiridota [[/underlined]] One c-sh, the coloration extending further back Feet normal, anal plate scarcely enlarged. Body not grannular, smooth, setae from [[?]] tubercles, more evident than in [[Perophora?]]. Centrally [[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] ant, [[circled]] 2 [[/circled]] post, only a little below [[circled]] 1 [[/circled]]; [[circled]] 3 [[/circled]] superstig ant. [[circled]] 4 [[/circled]] [[circled]] 5 [[/circled]] in line s-v, [[circled]] 6 [[/circled]] above base leg. (a few on base of leg) [[circled]] 7 [[/circled]]composed of several, representing leg, [[circled]] 8 [[/circled]] each side median line on apodal segs not represented when the [[lgs are?]]. 12 just like this. [[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] 12 not nearer median than accounted for by the smaller size of 12 and elevation of spiracle. On the tho. segs then one more than 6 setae [on j. 3 [[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] 2 hairs cent. [[circled]] 2 [[/circled]] [[first?]] [[circled]] 3 [[/circled]] [[insertion]] below it 2 hairs [[/insertion]] post, [[circled]] 4 [[/circled]] 2 stig ant. [[circled]] 5 [[/circled]] post. s-s. [[circled]] 6 [[/circled]] s-v, as well as I can make it out]
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[[underlined]] Clisiocampa neustria [[/underlined]] from Paris ([[blown?]]) Hd rounded, black with blue bloom, very [[hairy?]] W. 3.4 mm. Body black, lines all narrow, even, closely parallels. D. line narrow, pale pinkish & yellowish, fainter at the middle of each segment. Addorsal line broader, even, a little dotted with black, bright orange red; s-d line narrow, obsoletely broken, orange; a broad space of ground color. Lateral line broad, orange yellow, a little mottled & shading into a narrow broken stigmatal line; substigmatal [[band?]] [[line?]] rather faint & broken, red; venter shaded with pale yellow along bases of legs. Feet, c-sh, anal pl & slight hump on 12 without marks. Hair scant, short, pale brownish d and s-v with a few groups of stiffer black hairs representing warts [[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] & [[circled]] 2 [[/circled]]
(see better specimen)