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[[blue strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] very [[/strikethrough]] slight [[strikethrough]] trace [[/strikethrough]] of red ad-d line ^ [[insertion]] rather broken, [[/insertion]]; [[strikethrough]] s-s [[/strikethrough]] s-v pale line quite distinct, no other marks Venter grayish. Tips of abd feet, & base of ant pale. [[strikethrough]] Traces of pale [[/strikethrough]] lateral [[insertion]] s-s [[/insertion]] line [[image - arrow pointing to earlier sentence ending with "quite distinct"]] faint [[/blue strikethrough]] Later a series of narrow elliptical d. blue spots with pointed ends, dist only centrally, closely bordered by the pluberulent, narrow red ad-d line. In s-d space traces of the blue dots. Labrum pale. The red marks are much more reduced than [[blue checkmark]] before [[underlined]] Molt [[overwritten]] 4 [[/overwritten]] Apr 16 [[/underlined]] Venter dark gray. [[insertion]] Later venter black [[/insertion]] blackish medially tips of abd. feet pale. Hd powdery blue, black below, line above mouth white. Body black, thickly covered with powdery blue up to and enclosing the blue dots, leaving a series of seg. lateral black patches. D. space black containing a rather broad d. blue band, broken at [[intervals?]] and the single crinkled & broken orange ad dorsal line, [[blue checkmark]] Hair red, thickest d & s-v and pale s-v. 12 a little enlarged with a black mark. 12 & 13 [[?]], powdery blue. Base of antena white [[blue checkmark]]
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[[blue strikethrough]] [[in purple]] * [[/in purple]] In another [[overwritten in purple]] some [[/overwritten in purple]] the lat. black spots form a continuous band separating a blue band corresponding to the dots [[in purple]] † [[/in purple]]. The d. line is continuous ^ [[insertion]] in a few [[/insertion]] paler blue than lat. area Other lines besides ad dorsal are obsolete [[in purple]] *( [[/in purple]] Considerable variation in amount of blue laterally. [[in purple]] )† [[/in purple]] Some have the s-d [[insertion]] (lateral space) [[/insertion]] blue band broken into the ordinary spots and [[reg?]] streaks of blue below, and then [[image - in purple, S-shape]] the orange is better developed showing a hint of its s-d portion as well as the ad-d stronger [[checkmark in purple]] [[underlined]] Molt [[overwritten in purple]] VI [[/overwritten in purple]] 5 Apr 25 [[/underlined]] Antenna (= maxillary palp) pale whitish at base, line above mouth base Labial palp & spinning organ pale, ringed with black. Tho feet black, pale at joints; tips of abd. feet pale ocherous, contrasting. Venter gray at first just after molting with median black spots. Hd powdery blue with black dots. Body pale blue ^ [[insertion]] or blue & gray [[/insertion]] up to & including the blue band in s-d sp (blue dots) leaving a few dots & the row of lateral spots which indent lower edge of band black

Transcription Notes:
think Dyar meant puberulent - "covered in soft downy hairs" -@meg_shuler Looked good - reopened to guess [[reg?]] on second page. - GigglePop!