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Calc. .41 .69 1.15 1.9 3.2 rat. .60
Found .4 .65 1.15 1.95 3.2
[[underlined]] erosa [[/underlined]] .4 .65 1.1 1.4 2.1 3.2
Eggs of [[underlined]] C. disstria [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] ? [[/strikethrough]] from Woods Holl. Hatched March 25, 1894. [[underlined]] Egg [[/underlined]] ring complete, edges steep, ring rather narrow and small, more a ring than patch. Well varnished with frothy covering. Width ring 9 mm. [[underlined]] Larva [[/underlined]] Hd rounded, black, scarcely shiny with stiff short white hairs. W .4 ± Body normal, a little flattened, black without marks. Hair abundant. stiff, some short others longer, all pale, arrangement not evident. No warts nor distinct tubercles Later a faintly reddish s-d pale shade separated by a black d. line, not segmentally divided. A whitish [[strikethrough]] s-v [[/strikethrough]] s-s shade A wart s-d bearing several hairs, another less distinct one lat. with shorter hairs. S-v hair without distinct warts. No web Apr 3 got in a round bunch on the glass [[underlined]] Molt Apr 5 [[/underlined]] Hd black; body black, the adult markings indicated. J. 2 black with large s-d wart, an obscure pale whitish
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d. line, broken at [[micsure?]] and swollen near ant point of each seg.; a distinct orange s-d line, quite regular, narrow; Similar but more whitish Lateral and s-s (?) lines. Less [[obsolete?]] at 2 & 12-13; ventral region pale gray Hair abundant pale reddish. Between s-d & lat. lines on 2-4 ^ [[insertion]] & 12 [[/insertion]] the [[ground?]] color forms dist. velvety black spots. 12 a little enlarged d. In some, d. line distinctly bluish. There is also an obscure pale line above bases of legs Later lateral region between lat & ss line shaded with blue. darker than d. line [[underlined]] Molt Apr 14 [[/underlined]] Hd black. D. line pale or whitish blue [[image - pear shape]] enlarged, rounded. S ant, constricted, the smaller enlarged, the posterior part represented by a faint line Ad-d. Marks nearly obsolete; but a distinct ^ [[insertion]] broken [[/insertion]] s-d reddish orange line. A blue band in s-d space, broken at the extremities by the black spots Lat. & s-s lines whitish. S-v region mottled with pale, ventr grayish. Hair thin, somewhat reddish absent [[image - arrow pointing to the earlier line of text ending "represented by a faint line"]] on 2, 12 post 13. Later marks on 3, 4 are remain elongate, bluish, the others round up,