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[[underlined]] Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis [[/underlined]] eggs oval soft thin shelled. not shiny yellowish .75 x 1.1 mm from a lot of bags from Doll. Hatched May 3. Hd a little indented at vertex, round, shiny black the quadrate labrum pale w. .4 mm. 3 Csh on 2 large, down sides, 3 smaller, 4 [[two?]] small ones separated d. shining black Tho feet large, shiny black. abd. small, [[underlined]] normal [[/underlined]] not used, the body elevated. Large black anal pl. and less distinctly [[?]] dark area [[?]] on 12, (not on the narrow 13 ant, separated by suture). Body all dull brown setae fine, pale; no tubercles. Abd feet black [[intwardly?]], hooks on 7-10, 13, scars of feet rather distinct on 5, 6. Hairs under Zeiss aa-4 from slightly creased areas - [[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] s-d post. [[circled]] 2 [[/circled]] just below [[?]], ant, [[circled]] 3 [[/circled]] super stig. a little post, long. [[circled]] 4 [[/circled]] small, s-s, a little ant, upper side s-v fold; (2 or 3 very fine ones on base of leg) [[circled]] 8 [[/circled]] single on inside of leg. All hard to make out.
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Made rings of little bits of bark and later with conical bags in which they stayed [[underlined]] Moulted [[/underlined]] same (see sample in alcohol) Put [[them?]] on May 26. active