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[[micus?]] on [[new?]] leaf Viburnum, N. Y. June 4
Hd red crown, body whitish with just a tinge of green. tubercle in black spots. etc. the feet and anal plate black.
Alcoholic spec. left in N. Y.

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[[/note on seperate piece of paper]]
Erannis tiliaria Harris
This well known larva has frequent been referred to in econ. ent. lit. but I find no [[strikethrough]] account of the life to [[/strikethrough]] desc. of all the stages. Harris gives a good general account of the habit Jaegar, Coquillet? Saunders & Fernald Lugger have also written on it.
[[/note on separate piece of paper]]

Transcription Notes:
Both these pages are imaged later in the project both transcriptions should be edited if improved.