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Little larva spun up among the young leaves of willow. Thought it a micro. but tubercles like noctuid so kept it to see
tubercles [[reunite?]] blackish, normal Body green with d, lat. and stg white line.
[[underlined]] Molt.[[/underlined]] Stopped spinning and was marked like a noctuid with [[strikethrough]] humps [[/strikethrough]] enlarged 12. Hd [[partly?]] below 2 shiny pale greenish. Body whitish green white dotted Broad d white line narrow broken lat., then a blackish shade. super s. line white, below spiracle on ^ [[insertion]] 28 [[/insertion]] 12 and outr anal foot. Setae distinct brown, from center of largest white dots. Hd 1.8 [[plus or minus symbol]]
[[underlined]] Entered ground June 18 [[/underlined]] 
Took dead from pupa May 1 1895
Cat No. 11490

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15 good ? eggs of Coloradia pandora from C A Wiley, Miles City, Montana.
Egg shaped, flattened on two sides or a little concave, smooth shiny of a fairly greenish white with round brown spot of small size in the center of the larger end.
Size 2.4 x 2.0 x 1.2 mm (recd June 12) 
[[underlined]] Hatched June 19, 1894 [[/underlined]] Hd higher than wide rounded, full, shiny red brown shading into blackish below setae fine, not numerous; w. 1.0 mm 
Body and spines black; an area surrounding bases of i on 5-11 salmon brown A s-d, lat and s-s white line broken with dots.
A white line bordering anal plate and feet 7-10 salmon brown except their leg plate which are black on ad-dorsal white dot on 4. Spine and setae black

Transcription Notes:
setae =