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Anisota eggs on Oak, G.H.H. found up towards Ausable Chasm. Elliptical flattened on two sides 1.7 x 1.5 x color dark red brown, when found. Laid 15 together but well separated, not touching on back of leaf.
[[underlined]] Hatched June 17 [[/underlined]] Hd considerably higher than wide, rounded, smooth shiny black. labrum pale, w. .7 mm Body all black. A long simple process on 3 s-d bearing two long setae Anal plate large, feet strong. Tubercles represented by very short spines which consist of a conical slim base bearing short seta, [[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] ant normal, single d. m. 12, [[circled]] 2 [[/circled]] post, [[circled]] 3 [[/circled]] lat. [[insertion]] 1/2 in obj [[/insertion]] [i ant, ii post, 2d annuled, iii lat; same on 12, ii being small and post, i not consolidated, i [[cross symbol]] on 13 ant, ii gone, iii present, iv & v two bristle from single area s-s, vi absent, 

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vii on leg plate single, viii inside leg.]
(Had no oak and they died)

[[line drawn across page]]
[[image: drawing of part of a caterpillar showing hairs]]
(*These vary from 2 to 4 on different legs of the same larva)

[[underlined] Falcaria bilineata [[/underlined]]
[[blue checkmark]]