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s-d line on 11. Some s-d yellowish mottling, especially on 8-10, [[defing obauf?]] a s-d line. S-v region and abd feet pale luteous.
Larva eats upper epidermis & parenchyma under a tent of a coarse silk netting, slightly drawing the leaf together.
[[underlined]] Stage II [[/underlined]] same tents but a little larger and leaf a little more drawn up 
Hd same a little notched behind at vertex. [[insertion]] & showing faintly pale transverse bands [[/insertion]] w. .4 mm ± Segs distinctly faintly annulate, anal plate with an upturned [[bif?]] d short anal prong. Setae fine white, the chief ones with conical bases. A number of secondary ones especially s-v, mostly shorter. Body velvety brown black, dotted with yellow, 5 and 11 largely yellow, this tint prevailing d. 7-9 with an olivaceous brown [[?]] double d line there. Tho feet

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black, anal absent. 2 is yellow in front & this color on 11 is divided by a s-d line as before
[[underlined]] Stage hd .6 [[/underlined]] Hd whitish brown with 3 transverse brown bands, bilobed rather flattened before with many pale setae. Body marked much as before but the s-d brown line more distinct, showing faintly on the pale yellow of joint 5. Setae distinct, pale with enlarged conical bases. Anal prominence short, upcurved
[[underlined]] Stage hd 1 mm ± [[/underlined]] Hd yellowish white  with 5 trans black lines, scarcely bilobed the [[lower?]] over clypeus from ocelli; other 2 as in mat. (404) marking, intermediate between former stage and mat. Ground color yellowish pale greenish, most predominant on 5 & 11. A purple brown s-d band, below which centrally & in dorsal space are same color alternating checkered strigae. Tubs 1 [[margin]] (pair) on 3 [[and?]] wart Tail upturned dark setae pale distinct [[/margin]]