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[[strikethrough]] Calc. .3 .43 .62 1.26 1.8 mt .70 [[/strikethrough]]
Found .3  .6  1.05  1.5
Calc. .31 .58 1.05 (1.46 [[overwritten, in purple pen]] 8 [[/overwritten, in purple pen]]) 2.0 mt .55 .73 [[overwritten, in purple pen]] 4 [[/overwritten, in purple pen]]
[[blue pencil, circled]] Oct 13 94 [[/blue pencil, circled]]

[[purple pen]] Part copied For [[Journal?]] [[En?]] [[Soc?]] July 11 1894 [[/purple pen]]

[[blue strikethrough]] not [[underlined]] arcuata [[/underlined]] nor [[underlined]] rosea [[/underlined]] on white birch, Keene Valley June 18 1894, [[Mature?]] [[overwritten]] V [[/overwritten]] [[strikethrough]] ? [[/strikethrough]] resting on the stem ^ [[insertion]] Hd & [[/insertion]] anal end moderately elevated Hd rather square ^ [[insertion]] higher than 2 [[/insertion]] distinctly bilobed the lobes rounded, [[/blue strikethrough]] flat before, clypeus small w. 1.8 ± [[insertion]] (Sh hd [[from?]] [[con?]] 2 +) [[/insertion]]. Pale whitish [[arrow to insertion on next page]], thickly mottled with pale reddish brown [[checkmark]], the mottling ant into several areas by narrow lines of the ground color ^ [[insertion]] & forming a more distinct blotch below venter of each lobe. [[/insertion]]; ocelli black feet normal, anal absent, a short upturned rounded anal process [[checkmark]] Tubercles distinct, button like with short pale setae, ii enlarged on all segs but 5; on 3 & 4 the i-ii pair form a partly consolidated process forming a short horn like structure a supplementary iii below iii and partly behind spiracle i other s-v. Body marked in an undefined [[manner?]] varied with minor brown and yellowish white, and traces of 

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[[arrow from previous page]] [[insertion]] Several appearance varies in different ones from creamy yellowish with slight marks to dark rusty brown. [[/insertion]]
[[blue strikethrough]] broken dark brown d. & s-d line side of 5 and abd feet yellowish white, venter tinged with [[various?]] Tubercles i 5-12 white, enlarged ii [[/blue strikethrough]] various as also the enlarged pair on 3 & 4. The markings just suggest oblique lateral lines from above forward - down are no defined lines. Dark shades predominate on 6-7 dorsally [[checkmark]] Tho. feet pale
[[vertical blue strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Stage [[overwritten]] IV [[/overwritten]] hd 1.25 [[/underlined]] [[insertion]] [Should be 1.4?] [[/insertion]] As before the [[insertion]] also III [[/insertion]] brown mottling are more confluent into blotches. Hd bilobed, the apices rounded pointed distinct. Body roughened from the granular bases of tubercles; setae short, fine; ii enlarged on 6, 7 & 12 and especially the s-d pair on 3 & 4, their bases brown, all tubercles white General color mostly brown, shaded with white on 5, on 11 laterally and a lutea white shade d [[/vertical blue strikethrough]]