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[[insertion]] coon between leaves a coarse [[netting?]] of yellowish silk [[/insertion]]
[[underlined]] Imago [[/underlined]] July 5,1894 Cat. no. 11017. 
[[blue wavy strikethrough]]
under 1/2 in surface marked off faintly into irregular quadrangular areas by slightly raised latticed reticulations and the whole thickly covered [[/blue wavy strikethrough]] with little round regular pits like a thimble; as many as 10 in each area. Shell translucent like green glass, irridescent.  Can't distinguish bristles at angles with 1/2 in. [[blue checkmark]]
[[underlined]] Molt June 22 [[/underlined]] Hd distinctly bilobed, the lobes angular, bulging before pale whitish with brown dots which are divided by wide lines into frontal, apical and lateral areas; ocelli black, w. .6 mm Body roughened by the rounded large white bases of the tubercles, these appearing coarsely granular, dark brown mottled with white, which predominate on 2, 5 8, 9, 11 and 13. [[Anal process?]], short, upcurved Setae short, a little glandular, an additional one above spiracle a little below line of iii and 4 or 5 s-v below of v one of which is doubtless vi. [[underlined]] Big one 'coon June 23 [[/underlined]] [[arrow to pointing to insertion at top of page]] 

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Noctuid, Keene Valley NY June 19, 1894
Hd partly below 2, green with about 25 white spots in each lobe, each of which consists on from 3 to 7 confluent rounded dots. Labrum pale, ocelli white with central black dot. Body yellow/green, soft, not shiny, [[moderately?]] thick, 13 [[rather?]] small, no hump on 12, all covered with round white dots, those representing the tubercles a trace larger than the others and each bearing its [[fri?]] seta Segs. gently 4 annulate under lens. Setae normal for noctuid. Tips of abd. feet pale. Spiracles pale with narrow black rim. On birch: got another