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[[blue strikethrough]]
[[insertion]] Imago Apr 1 1895 Tineid, Cat No 11483 Butalis basilaris Zell (C.H. Fernald) [[/insertion]]
[[insertion]] July 4 Under ground spring a slight white cocoon between lumps of dirt [[/insertion]]
[[overwritten in blue]] Apr 7 '95 [[/overwritten in blue]]
T-moth larva eating into the end leaf buds of blackberry K.V. June 22, 1894 [[underlined]] A [[/underlined]] no secondary hair [[strikethrough]] without traces [[/strikethrough]]. Setae with flattened or [[winged?]] furcate ends, arising from cylindrical produced bases. i + ii, their bases fused party; iii super stig post, single. iv + v, s-s. bases short; vi a little post seta, vii ant. on the base which bears the slender leg, 3 setae in a [[image - triangle]]. Body shiny leaf green, setae and tubercles white Head slightly testaceous [[insertion]] Green, adapted [[/insertion]] to color of young leaves [[/blue strikethrough]]
[[horizontal line across page]]
[[red strikethrough]] Pupa slender, tapering behind, fastened by cremaster. A row of s-d tubercles bearing 4 spines in fan shape [[contrived?]] as a [[canivated?]] ridge [[onto?]] thorax. Thorax a little widened, [[cases?]] produced into a point over abd. Two slight point above the eyes Green, whitish, cases more greenish [[/red strikethrough]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[red strikethrough]] Other pupae normally light purplish brown; cases greenish or concolorous [[overwritten in red]] May 13 1898 [[/overwritten in red]]
(See 529A)
Several spines on thorax and some soft fine hair on abd. lat. L. 6 mm [[underlined]] B [[/underlined]] Secondary hairs ([[?]]) i + ii evidently bearing about 10 setae with simple ends, (many minute ones from skin over body, very short, tips slightly cleft) iii with 6 setae, iv + v with 2 large setae and several little ones closely like those from skin 2 rather prominent ones in line with & a little below iii with a slight base recalling a wart; a single similar one behind, below iv + v; vi below on a distinct tubercle but [[among?]] many s-v shorter ones; vii 3 large setae with many shorter ones with slightly enlarged tips. Two other found, one [[+?]] Tachina, same; pale & whitish green with faint s-d white band; more nearly resembles buds of blackberry, [[the?]] B449 A [[does?]]. Hd .7 ± Lives on buds [[underlined]] Imagos in June [[/underlined]] Cat Nos 11009-12 [[/red strikethrough]]

Transcription Notes:
It would be extremely helpful for people like me who have no knowledge of these terms to have a glossary of used, known, and properly spelled words. Blind transcription, while workable, is more frustrating without a list. For long and complex projects I make my own such lists. [Signed DK]]