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leaf green, spiracles yellow. A dorsal band dark purplish, bordered with a crimson line and a yellow shade begins broadly on joint 3 ^ [[insertion]] Space 4-5 [[/insertion]] narrows to a band at once ^ [[insertion]] filling [[/insertion]] [[widens?]] 6-8 with a little point reaching the lat. black dot on 7*, reaches S-V ridge on 8, narrows, a point to lat. dot on 9† and fills d. space 10-13 Between the d. spots 7-9 an elliptical [[samon?]]] colored shade prevails, filling dorsal space. A whitish line bordering venter Head green, ocelli black, mouth brownish. 9.5 x 5.5 x 3 mm. (†Another without post. tooth of [[band?]] " " [[dittos for "Another without]] * any teeth on [[band?]]) All the 'codes in Keene Valley were this species! (See BB484) [[end page]]

[[start page]] C. cinerea 478
[[image - single segment of a caterpillar's body, lateral view]] [[underlined, image caption]] Ant [[/underlined, image caption]]
Little [[forktail?]] on poplar K.V. N.Y. Hatched [[overwritten]] I [[/overwritten]] July 11 1894 Dark blackish brown S-V region and a rounded d patch on 3-5 and 8-10 yellow Tails twice annulate with white [[C-horns?]] spinose, light red, base of tails and anal pl. paler than body w. hd .4 ± mm, horns .4, body 2.5, tails 3 mm
[[underlined]] Molt [[insertion]] II [[/insertion]] July 16 [[/underlined]] Hd blackish brown
[[image - single segment of a caterpillar's body, lateral view]] [[image caption]] Ant [[/image caption]]
A brown black lateral band connected on 2 6 post-7, 11 and anal plate, the rest yellow feet pale whitish. Tails brown-black with 2 white rings Hairs black, spinulose as also tails Tubercles prominent but setae short

Transcription Notes:
Ditto marks refer to "Another without", one line above.