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Tails 4 mm long. Horns .5 mm
[[underlined]] Molt [[insertion]] III [[/insertion]] July 21 [[/underlined]] At first the same. On July 25 Hd purplish black. Body green a little yellowish d. A [[image - triangle]] purple blackish patch on 2-3 connected by a faint s-d line to a large patch 6-9 which reaches spiracles and [[where?]] an [[irregular?]] green space d on 9; s-d line to a patch on 11 and again to one on 13 Tails black with 2 yellow rings. i & ii black conical very prominent in the purple marks Setae short, and mostly pale, [[horned?]] except 4 setae in a line in place of vi and 10 or more on the leg. Horns .6 mm, tails 6 mm, [[spinose?]]
[[underlined]] Molt July 27 [[/underlined]] Same as first. Tubercles as [[image - single segment of a caterpillar's body, lateral view]] before, one of the 4 on base of leg bears [[new?]] seta. (July 29) A purplish blackish or dark patch [[image - triangle]] on 2-4 ant; broken on [[end page]]

[[start page]] large patch 5-10 [[?]] Spiracles on 8, a smaller patch 10 post, 12 ant, and a 4th on 12 post and 13. [[?]] on anal plate. Reddish patches appearing already in the large patch; sides green dotted yellow Tails 7 mm; horns 1 mm. hd 2.2 mm ±
[[underlined]] Molt July 31 [[/underlined]] (Aug 5) Hd blackish [[brown?]] [[pale?]] centrally, greenish at sides. [[Smooth?]] seta [[scarcely?]] perceptible. Patch I on 2-3, II on 4 post-9, [[?]] on edges and [[containing?]] irregularly [[underlined]] yellow [[/underlined]] spots s-d. i broad on 10, patch III on 11, [[none?]] on 12 patch IV on 12 post-13. [[Sides?]] green outside yellow [[border?]] with many purple brown spots and patches See the description of [[underlined]] Cerura cinerea [[/underlined]] which this corroborates. Horns smooth a slight fold on 3 post. dorsally [[image - single segment of a caterpillar's body, lateral view]] Ant Setae represented by purple dots s-v.
i 10

Transcription Notes:
"Ant" and "i 10" on second page are captions/labels for the figure.