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[[underlined]] Imago [[/underlined]] May 11 1893
Cat. no. 11504

[[blue strikethrough]]
of these small. Eyes black, mouth brown 
[[underlined]] July 19 Hd 1.4 [[/underlined]] Like BB15 a suggestion of brown nothing on lobes. With the lens only one hair on a conical [[wart?]] except vi which has several. [[?]] 1/2 in there are a few other hairs but extremly reduced being very short. A few little spine like 2d hairs. Wants normal a slight yellow [[?]] [[surounds?]] each i & ii and a broken dotted white line below ii 
[[underlined]] Another hd 2+ [[/underlined]] like previous stage, marks of BB15 "Sept 27" not acquired?
[[underlined]] July 29 Hd 2.5 [[/underlined]] like BB15 [[but?]] a distinct reddish d line. Body all translucent whitish with [[?]] marks below ii. Tubercles with but one hair except vi which has several secondary hairs all gone (minute pile under 1/2 [[?]])
[[underlined]] Molt July 31 [[/underlined]] Hd 3.3 ± like 15 last stage. Tubercles as before. Tubercles large conical within the microscopic pile of body like [[?]] warts with only [[?]] seta
[[/blue strikethrough]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[underlined]] 484 [[/underlined]]
[[image caption]] Anterior end. [[/image caption]]
[[image - caterpillar, dorsal view]]
[[sideways text on page]] The s-d tubercles show a tendency to alternate (not represented) but it is due to alternate ones leaning out. The bases are in line [[/sideways text on page]]
A little 'code 1.5 mm long on birch, [[doubtless?]] = [[underlined]] Tortricidia [[strikethrough]] fasciola [[/strikethrough]] [[/underlined]], Keene Valley July 14, 1894. [Turned out = 477 July 30]