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Calc. .32 .54 .90. 1.5 2.5 4.2 rat [[insertion]] 4.2 [[/insertion]] .60
Found .3± .6 1.± 1.5± 2.5± 3.5±
= [[underlined]] Thyatira scripta [[/underlined]] from Thaxters description
[[in blue]] Oct 13 1894 [[/in blue]]
[[blue strikethrough]] Crazy little noctuid? on white birch. Sits [[overwritten]] II [[/overwritten]] on upper side near edge of leaf [[?]], thorax hunched up, head down tail straight up though it has anal [[/blue strikethrough]] feet and walks with them. Drops off by a thread. All brown, the [[strikethrough]] anal plate marked yellow [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Molt July [[overwritten]] BIII [[/overwritten]] 14 [[/underlined]] Greatly resembles [[underlined]] Falcaria bilineata [[/underlined]] in color and positions. Sits with head curled around and anal end up. 3 & 4 a little folded [[tran?]] d. suggesting horns as fold [[narrows?]] on d. line; 12 enlarged. Feet normal Hd bilobed, whitish mottled with brown dots esp. over vertex, white around mouth, ocelli black [[image - checkmark]] Anal plate rather small, [[?]]. Body smooth except for small pale setae not roughened, varied with white and brown - sordid [[image - S-shape]] whitish sides of 2-3, s-v and 12 d brown, a
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[[insertion]] [[underlined]] Imago June 3 95 [[/underlined]] Cat no 11563 Pseudothyatira cymatophoroides!! [[/insertion]]
[[blue strikethrough]] narrow straight d. and lat. line with pale lateral marks indicating oblique lines. Tho feet clean abd. pale. Hd 1 mm ± A few very distinct 2d setae. [[/blue strikethrough]] One above spiracle near iii and others (3 or 4) s-v. (see further) [3-4 & 12 [[swollen?]] not folded
[[image - single segment of a caterpillar's body, lateral view]] [[image captions]] Ant. (Sketch from live larva) [[/image captions]] [[blue strikethrough]] Pale sordid greenish [[overarched?]] with brown of no decided shade tubercles [[/blue strikethrough]] black seta fair short Marked as [[blue strikethrough]] in next stage but very faintly. s-v region vinous brown Hd. as in next stage [[/blue strikethrough]] but paler. W. 6]
[[image - single segment of a caterpillar's body, lateral view]] [[image captions]] Ant (From still larva Stage III) [[/image captions]] Others (Stage B) have the pale parts shaded with light olive green Larva quite black [[?]] first shed, but gets very pale with a yellowish edge to anal plate