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of seg. yellow ant. & broken into 2 trans yellow streaks on feet part. s-s(v) and s-v(vi) very mottly, connecting slightly joining the stig. line in some places, whitish, then s-s slightly tinted with yellow. Venter [[?]] gray white [[joining?]] s-v lines in places (Franconia NH)
[Hybernating by Sept 19] (died)
[[underlined]] 491 B [[/underlined]]
Larva found by Jontel at Fort Lee, hibernating Feeding in the [[?]] March 6 1897. Had shed once since found. 
Black, d. line yellow, broken, faint and [[subsolete?]]. Superstig line yellow, broken into dots; substig. narrow puberulent, [[obsoletely?]] connecting to superstig esp. on thorax by dots which also reach down around v and vi. Venter [[?]] pale green, black dotted. Hair black
[[underlined]] Shed Mar. 9 [[/underlined]] Head 2.7 ± shiny black. Body black, warts blue black, legs reddish. Hair
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short, stiff, foxy red and white mixed Dorsal line of 2 red dashes between i and ii resp. broken interseg. [[and?]] in middle of segs. No s-d line, but a very few pale mottled dots. Superstig. band broken into several transverse streaks, orange red in the middle of segs. white in incisures, deep yellow on thorax. Substigmatal band [[composing?]] numerous deep yellow dots, diffuse, running iv - vi, powdery, not a connected band. Venter [[?]] pale gray, black dotted. D. line whitish & faint on thorax. [[underlined]] Found Hyb. in IV [[/underlined]]