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[[circle]] 14 [[/circle]]

5:17 pm. See what appears to be [[underline]] ^[[1 check mark above]] PL [[/underline]] Altapetes. 2 ft up in "hedge." Silent. Then see ^[[2 check marks above]] pair [[underline]] Yellowbellies [[/underline]] only 1 - 2 ft away. Apparently this is a mixed flock. But probably not highly organized. Altapetes disappears. Leaving Yellowbellies apparently alone now.

5:44 pm. Walking back down road. See another single Sooty Thrush. Silent & alone. 10 ft up in tree in "hedge."

5:53 8650 ft. See single Orange billed Saltator alone in "hedge" by road. Silent. 3ft up.

5:57 Down near where first mixed flock seen this afternoon. See single [[underline]] ^[[1 check mark above]] torquatus [[/underline]]. Silent. On ground and 3 ft up in scrub. This presumably is bird that was with flock earlier; but now it seems to be alone.

Stopping observations 6:05 pm.

June 13, 1966

Going to work same place this morning. Somehow I oversleep and don't arrive until 6:30 am. Relatively warm. Foggy.

7:01 am 8650 ft. See group of ^[[2 check marks above]] 2 or 3 [[underline]] ^[[number 1 circled above]] Basileuterus [[/underline]] moving thru hedge. 3 - 5 ft up. Apparently [[[underline]] nigrocristatus [[/underline]] Noisy. Apparently alone. [[margin in red]]Cinn[[/margin]] (There is a ^[[1 check mark above]] Cinn ^[[number 2 circled above]] near them briefly; but surely this association is either hostile or coincidental.)

A few minutes later, same area, see single [[underline]] ^[[1 check mark above]] Th. cyanocephala [[/underline]] [[margin in red]]Cy[[/margin]] 20 ft up in Eucalypt. Then hear northern ^[[1 check mark above]] Cy ^[[number 4 circled above]] singing same tree NODWAH. Stops. Then [[underline]] cyanocephala [[/underline]] Sings. NODWAH. Stops. Then the