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  The permanent accessions for the year are 4 in number; one being a transfer from the State Department, consisting of 82 drawings by eminent contemporary French artists (Acc. 59014); and three gifts, as follows: A portrait of Abraham Lincoln by George H. Story, from Mrs. E.H. Harriman, 1 East 69th Street, New York City (Acc. 59431; gift).--- A collection of studio properties formerly belonging to the late Eliphalet Fraser Andrews, artist, from Mrs. Andrews, "Vauxcleuse," Theological Seminary, P.O., Virginia, as a memorial to her husband (Acc. 59821; 44 specimens; gift).--- Bronze bust, miniture of Oliver Cromwell, from Mrs. John Russell Young. 1513 L Street, N.W., Washington, D. C. (Acc.59826; part; gift).
  The temporary accessions are as follows: An oil painting entitled "Klingle Ford, Rock Creek" by Max Weyl, lent by Mrs. Emma J. Smith, 1511 Rhode Island Avenue, N.W., Washington, D. C. (Acc. 58899).--- A portrait of Albert Pike by S. Jerome Uhl, lent by R.P Tolman, U. S. National Museum (Acc. 59149).--- 
A portrait of Major General John P. Van Ness by Gilbert

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