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The course in Bookkeeping includes the gradual unfolding in their proper order of the underlying principles, full instruction in the nature and uses of the books and papers commonly employed in business, and the working up carefully graded sets designed to develop and impress the practical side of the subject.

The aim of the course in Shorthand is to give students a thorough knowledge of the principals, ease and accuracy in writing at dictation, and readiness and confidence in transcribing what has been written. Letters, business and legal forms as well as the exercises of a miscellaneous character form the subject matter of dictation, which is so granted as to speed that the students completing the course should be able to do amanuensis work. 



COMMERCIAL GEOGRAPHY: Bases, Natural Conditions, Affecting Commerce, Human Control of Commerce Transportation, United States and Colonies, All other Countries.
PENMANSHIP: Slant, Rapid, Dictation, Copying,
COMMERCIAL LAW: Contracts-Formation, Persons Affected by, Interpretation, Discharge. Sales Negotiable Paper, Common Carriers, Agency, Business Associations. 

GEOGRAPHY of NORTH AMERICA; Physiography of North America, Summer and Winter, Wind and Rain, Ocean Movements and Temperature, Plants, Animals and Peoples, Latitude, Longitude and Standard Time. United States and Colonies, Other Countries of North America. 


(Taken down in shorthand, and transcribed from his notes by John Curseen of the 2nd year Business Department).)

It is very much to my surprise to have to understand now that when I came here I would be called upon to say anything at all.
I have been sitting here enjoying the exercises to the full. I have been having some very pleasant thoughts about each of you, the Principal and the teachers, I pity those boys back there, who occupy the floor, standing at parade rest, for it is very tiresome. It is more tiresome to stand than it is to march with a gun on your shoulders. I am delighted to perceive how well you deport yourselves under the circumstances. I wish to say to these boys and girls, the teachers, and those people from Baltimore, that I consider this institution one of the finest in the country. It is a model school and one to be proud of. It is the flower of schools, a school where the head and hand may be educated in unison.
(This last remark of the Superintendent's was received with much applause. during which he passed a compliment upon the Principal, who seemed delighted, as his beaming face tended to indicate. After the applause subsided , the Superintendent continued by saying:)

When I came in, I heard the strains from music from the musicians here. I began to wonder, are they paying them three dollars a piece to play? How can they afford it? Then I discovered that the leader of the Orchestra is the Professor of Physics. He not only leads the orchestra, but in sober or more busy hours, he is teaching school.

I asked the lady (meaning Miss Harper, who it was that that was accompanying. I had an idea that she was an instructress in music, the young lady looked so dignified and mature, and she replied that it was one of the children. You can cook, you can write and read German. You can play upon the guitar, the piano and the violin, and do various other things. This is encouraging, and I am delightfully surprised.

When this lady broke our hearts a minute ago with that that little piece of pathos, and then suddenly flooded the sunshine over us again in a minute, anybody seeing her would have said that she was a teacher of elocution in the school. She is not. She is the teacher of cooking. She is not doing as the man did in the scriptures, wrapping her talents in a napkin and hiding them. Such occurrences make the history of the school. You may be doing it in this way, that way, and in many ways.

The Principal is continually pressing invitations upon me to visit him and whenever I come, he has always got something new, something delightful, something delightful, something inspiring, to spring upon me - something that is forwarding the history of the Armstrong Manual Training School. The last time I was here, I was to dinner. I wished I had my wife with me that time.    I would then have had the opportunity to prove to her that I am just as good a judge of a dinner as she. I brought her here today to see the new bonnets of which I am not a judge. I wish to commend again those who prepared that dinner. It could not have been done better in the New Willard.

You are now training yourselves to do these things, and in course of time you will be able to train others. 

Now, there is Baltimore who comes over here to get our teachers. I want to say to you that they took one of our best eight-grade teachers over there, and made her head of the department of technical training. She is going to give them the best methods of the District of Columbia technical school. She took one of the best teachers in the lower grades. She then took one of our supervising principals. After awhile Baltimore will be educated. 

I will not detain you longer. I thank you very much for your attention . From my heart, I believe in the work you are doing in the school. I want you to stand by your teachers. I want you to become persevering workers in your various departments of study that you may be worthy of the Armstrong Manual Training School.

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